Pass the potatoes

Potatoes are one of the world’s most popular foods. They’re super healthy, and make great comfort food!

Try changing out pasta, rice or bread for potatoes and you’ll be adding one more serving of fresh veggies to your diet everyday.


Know Your "Roots"

Potatoes are low on calories, but full of nutrients and vital minerals. Eat the whole potato including the skin to benefit from the soluble fibre, which helps with digestive health, and keeps you feeling full for longer.

One medium sized potato contains on average…

One medium sized potato contains:




Growing in the Fields...

A farmer standing in a potato field holding three large potatoes in his hands, surrounded by the stocks and leaves of potato plants, approx. 2-3 feet high. He is looking into the camera smiling.

Our potato business is growing strong! Not only do we grow fresh potatoes in and around Bradford, Ontario but we also are continuing to expand our operations into northern Ontario.  While the growing conditions are certainly different than our main farms around in Gwillimbury, our team is excited by the challenges and opportunities of working with this rich, muck soil.

A farmer standing in a potato field holding three large potatoes in his hands, surrounded by the stocks and leaves of potato plants, approx. 2-3 feet high. He is looking into the camera smiling.
Construction of one of our new sustainable storage facilities: the view from inside a long wood-framed structure. The wall at the end has the pointed shape of a gabled roof, yet to be installed. Above the newly constructed walls, a clear deep blue sky is visible. There is a truck with a tall crane parked inside the structure, with its crane raised high up above the height of the walls around it.

...and Growing our Business

Construction of one of our new sustainable storage facilities: the view from inside a long wood-framed structure. The wall at the end has the pointed shape of a gabled roof, yet to be installed. Above the newly constructed walls, a clear deep blue sky is visible. There is a truck with a tall crane parked inside the structure, with its crane raised high up above the height of the walls around it.

We’ve recently invested to build new, state of the art, sustainable facilities for storage and packing near our headquarters, with additional buildings to support our Northern operations as well.

Latest Potato Recipes