Gwillimdale Farms One of Canada’s Largest Fully-integrated Growers

Image of the Gwillimdale team.

“We’re one of Canada’s largest fully integrated growers, packers, shippers,” said Alexa Hambly, business operations manager. “There’s not a lot of companies that do the full cycle. Most are either a grower or a packer, but we do everything here. All our growing is on mineral soil and we’re able to pack 350,000 pounds of vegetables each day. We’re able to deliver directly to retail suppliers as well as foodservice suppliers like smaller restaurants.”

In 2016, Gwillimdale Farms began buying land in northern Ontario in New Liskeard, with 2,000 acres. 

LEARN MORE by Visiting This Bradford Today Story: Gwillimdale Farms one of Canada’s largest fully-integrated growers

Image of the Gwillimdale team.