Cold Comfort, The New Standard in Root Vegetable Storage


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The second phase of our innovative new cold storage facilities will be complete in the fall of 2019, bringing our total storage to 18,000 pallet boxes in a total of 87,000 square feet. We’ve invested in imported technology to cure and store onions, as well as store carrots, parsnips, potatoes and beets. The expectation is to cure onions faster and to store them longer into the spring season. All of our other root vegetables stored in this environment will benefit from the updated facilities, which ultimately means they will look and taste better when enjoyed months later!

What makes our storage different is that we pull air through the vented bins, using computer regulated humidity and temperature controls. Traditional systems used by other growers had either kept vegetables in a mountain on the floor, or had them stored in pallet boxes where air was pushed through the room. Our new system is far more energy efficient and uses environmentally friendly alternatives for cooling that has low global warming potential. Our new bins also enable improved traceability and reduce waste through excessive handling.

New storage at Gwillimdale Farms

To read more about the farm and how we are using this new cold storage technology, head HERE for the full article by The Grower.